Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Dedicated Servers Known Issues

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FAQs and Common Problems

I was able to download or update the server package with SteamCMD, but the server fails to start

Common causes:

  • On some Linux distributions the path cannot contain any capital letters.

Clients cannot connect to the server. They receive the error "Failed to get session data."

This is probably caused by specifying an invalid map group in the startup command line. E.g., the August 10, 2012 update removed the "mg_allclassics" mapgroup. Changing it to a valid map group, e.g. mg_bomb, may fix the problem.

How do I determine whether a change I want to make should be done in autoexec.cfg, server.cfg, or gamemodes_server.txt?

This is where the gamemodes.txt (not gamemodes_server.txt) comes into play. Look for the value you want to change, and if it exists in this file, then make the override in gamemodes_server.txt (pay attention to hierarchy and syntax!!!). Otherwise, most other changes should be done in server.cfg.

Maxplayers doesn't work/is overridden

Progression of maxplayers configuration through the beta:

  • In the beginning (pre-CS:GO), Valve created the +maxplayers command line argument. This generally allowed game server providers to set a value that couldn't be overridden by server operators through config files (and thus gaining access to more player slots than they paid for). Valve and GSPs saw that it was good.
  • [Is this correct?] Then, Valve created CS:GO and removed +maxplayers from the command line. Thus Valve saith: "No longer shall you set maxplayers through the command line. In its stead, I have created the maxplayers convar in gamemodes.txt. You shall define maxplayers in gamemodes_server.txt as so:"
              maxplayers      "24"

As this now allowed server operators to easily set maxplayers from a generic and easily-editable text file, GSPs grew concerned. There was wailing and gnashing of teeth.

  • Beginning with the [August 10?] update, Valve again moved the location of maxplayers again. While it was still in gamemodes/gamemodes_server.txt, it was moved one level up and out of the convars section, i.e.:
           maxplayers      "24"
  • Starting with the August 14 update, Valve heard the cries of its people and added a -maxplayers_override command line argument that overrides any other definitions of maxplayers. And there was much rejoicing.

In-game UI "Rounds left" counter starts at 30 and counts down from there, regardless of any mp_maxrounds value.

Seems to be a bug.

If the player count reaches around 25, no new players can connect to the server.

Seems to be a bug.

The info on the client in-game connecting screen is incorrect

Seems there might be a way to customize the info displayed here (UI sections in gamemodes.txt/gamemodes_server.txt). Does anyone know how?

My server has a password set and should be private, but once one player joins, the server fills up from lobby connections.

Bug. As a workaround, de-list your server from matchmaking with the convar sv_steamgroup_exclusive 1.

How do I force the server to reload gamemodes_server.txt after the server has started?

This may currently not be possible without restarting the server.

How can I run multiple/different server instances from a single install?

The -gamemodes_serverfile command line parameter allows specifying a file other than the default gamemodes_server.txt.

Problems with SourceMod/Metamod

See this thread.

sv_consistency reports models as not allowed

-Simply set sv_consistency to 0 for now.

round_end lag

Most noticeable when the round_end is triggered by all players dead
Apparently setting srcds to run on just 1 core fixes this problem, however this is unconfirmed since I have the same problem on a single core.
I quote: I just tested this over and over again , and came to the result that affinity affects csgo server ( I have also windows 2008 R2 , my virtual machine). With affinity enabled to one of the 4 cores , I didn't notice any round end lag , compared to when It was before , with all cores enabled.

mp_autoteambalance 0

If you start a server with mp_autoteambalance 0, bots will not join and you will get an error that says the game is full when you try to add them. Also only 1 person can join per team. If a 3rd player trys to join a team they get a team is full message for both teams when trying to join. Just started after the May 21st update.

Hidden cvars

Some cvars are hidden when they shouldnt be.

Arms Race Kill Values

I changed all of my weapon progression values from 1 to 2 and it caused players to not be able to join the game including bots. Only 1 bot could join, when I tried adding more it said that the server was full. Bot mode was on full. After changing it back to one, everything worked.

Updating/Downloading CS:GO Dedicated server

When running "app_update 740" or "app_update 740 validate" you get the following error.
App state (0x10102) reconfiguring, progress: -nan (0 / 0)
Error! App '740' state is 0x1 after update job.
Use the force_install_dir command then retry.
In case you receive the following error after a successful account login when running "app_update 740" on linux:
ERROR! Failed to request AppInfo update, not online or not logged in to Steam.
Remove/rename the "Steam" directory from the current user accounts home folder and re-run steamcmd.

Arms Race, when players switch teams it adds bots

In Arms Race, no matter if bot_quota is 0 or what bot_quota_mode is set to, when anyone changes teams it will add 1 to bot_quota and add a bot. On some servers, if someone switches teams back and forth quickly it will crash the server.
Sylwester over at has created a SourceMod plugin to resolve this issue. I have tested and verified that it does work.

Weapon Progression

Changing the weapon progression in the gamemodes_server.txt file will not change the weapon progression. You have to also remove this section from the gamemodes.txt file for the changes in gamemodes_server.txt to take affect.

Overwritten files after update

Some files are overwritten after the process of updating the game. Here is the list of known overwritten files and should not be:

  • csgo/motd.txt
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