Half-Life and Counter-Strike CVar list

Copyright elxdraco.net and with big thanks to AnAkIn


  SP CVar Default Min Max Type OGL D3D SFT Category Description
 HostMapstringserverWhen a map is changed with the "map" command, this cvar is set automatically to the map name. For multi player, this is only set when you launch the server because the first map is launched using the command "map", but when changing map, "changelevel" is used.
 MP3FadeTime2integeraudioThis is how much seconds a mp3 will take to fade completely out using the "cd fadeout" command.
 MP3Volume0.80floataudioSets the Mp3's volume level.
 _cl_autowepswitch101booleaninterfaceAutomatically switch to most powerful gun. (When set to 1, when you buy a new gun or run over a gun to pick it up this will automatically switch to that gun) If 0, then your current choice of weaponry will stay selected.
 _snd_mixahead0.1floataudioSets the time (in seconds) to mix the sound that much ahead. Should only be used with severe performance problems. If your sound is skipping or cracking, you may need to change this.
 allow_spectators101booleanserverAllows players to join as spectator.
 ati_npatch101booleanvideoEnables ATI's TRUform technology, this will result in higher quality models but will decrease performance.
 ati_subdiv207integervideoThis is the ATI TRUform level, the higher you go (with ati_npatch set to 1) the more polygons are added to the models to smooth them out
 bgmbuffer4096integeraudioSets the allocated memory for CD/MP3 music in kB.
 bgmvolume101booleansoundWhen disabled, it pauses the current sound which is being played with "mp3" or "cd" command. To unpause, just reenable.
 bottomcolor00255integervideoSets the bottom color of your model in Half-Life that others see.
 brightness102integervideoSets the brightness value.
 c_maxdistance200floatcheatThis is the maximum distance of the camera in third person (see cam_command) using +camdistance (cmd).
 c_maxpitch90floatcheatThis is the maximum pitch of the camera in third person (see cam_command) using +cammousemove (cmd).
 c_maxyaw135floatcheatThis is the maximum yaw of the camera in third person (see cam_command) using +cammousemove (cmd).
 c_mindistance30floatcheatThis is the minimum distance of the camera in third person (see cam_command) using +camdistance (cmd).
 c_minyaw-135floatcheatThis is the minimum yaw of the camera in third person (see cam_command) using +cammousemove (cmd).
 cam_command001booleancheatEnable Third Person. It's the same as the command "thirdperson". In HL, it doesn't need sv_cheats 1 to work.
 cam_idealdist64floatcheatThe distance of the camera in third person. See cam_command.
 cam_idealpitch0floatcheatThe pitch of the third person camera. See cam_command.
 cam_idealyaw90floatcheatThe yaw of the third person camera. See cam_command.
 cam_snapto001booleancheatIf enabled, your view angles will move as the same speed as your movements instead of moving your view angles faster than your movements. Only in third person. See cam_command.
 chase_active001booleancameraThis is thirdperson, like cam_command 1, except that it only works in single player and when you move your mouse, it is like zooming in your player model.
 chase_back100floatcameraIt sets how far the camera is behind you when chase_active is 1.
 chase_right0floatcameraIt sets how far the camera is at your right you when chase_active is 1.
If you want to make the camera at your left, use negative values.
 chase_up16floatcameraIt sets how far the camera is above you when chase_active is 1.
 cl_allowdownload101booleanconnectionAllow maps, models, sounds, sprites, textures download when connecting to a server.
 cl_allowupload101booleanconnectionAllow the upload of your custom spray when connecting to a server.
 cl_anglespeedkey0.67floatmovementIt defines the turning speed ratio with +left/+right while walking (+speed). cl_yawspeed * cl_anglespeedkey = turning speed while walking. By default the turning speed while walking is 140.7(210 * 0.67 = 140.7)
 cl_backspeed400integermovementSets the speed using the backward key (+back). This is limited by sv_maxspeed server side. And in CS this is limited by the per weapon speed. This should be equal to cl_forward and cl_sidespeed or you will have problem holding forward and left at the same time for example.
 cl_bob0.0101floatvideoSets the amount that the view bobs while the player is running.
 cl_bobcycle0.8floatvideoSets how frequent the player's view bobs while running. I would recommend leaving this at the default value, since it messes up your hands since an update(it's like zooming on them). Before this update it messed up your crosshair. Has no effect when cl_bob is 0.
 cl_bobup0.5floatvideoSets the amount the player bobs up while running. Has no effect when cl_bob is 0.
 cl_chasedist112integercameraIt modifies how far the camera is zoomed out whilst your dead.
 cl_clockreset0.1floatnetcodeIf the client clock drifts more than cl_clockreset from the server, we just slam it to use the server and reset the delta to 0 - usually occurs at signon to server and maybe if there is a lot of packet loss.
 cl_cmdbackup2integernetcodeIn addition, with each command packets(cl_cmdrate), we re-send the last few previous movement commands ( in case there is packet loss ) so that we can keep moving smoothly in the face of minor network problems. The default number of "backup" commands that we send is 2, but you can change this number by setting cl_cmdbackup to another number. You can send more than 8 backup commands and you should note that sending backup commands will increase your outgoing bandwidth usage.
 cl_cmdrate3010integernetcode This is the maximum of command packets you will send to the server per second. The default is to send up to 30 command packets per second up to the server. If you are running faster than 30 frames per second, then multiple commands will be put into some packets. You can change the rate of sending command packets to the server by setting the cl_cmdrate cvar.
 cl_corpsestay600integervideoTime in seconds before dead bodies dissapears from the ground.
 cl_crosshair_color50 250 50stringinterfaceDefines the color of the crosshair in RGB, the value must be encased in double quotes.
 cl_crosshair_size0/autostringinterfaceDefines the size of your crosshair. The different values are : 0 or auto / 1 or small / 2 or medium / 3 or large.
 cl_crosshair_translucent01booleaninterfaceEnables translucent crosshair.
 cl_dlmax128161024integernetcodeCl_dlmax determines the "fragment" size for chunks of player decals, etc. that are downloaded while playing the game. Clamped to 16 to 1024 bytes. Useful to try and limit decals from taking up a lot of bandwidth - this made a lot more sense back when everyone was on 14.4 kbps modems.
 cl_download_ingame101booleanconnectionEnables the download of players custom sprays while playing.
 cl_dynamiccrosshair101booleaninterfaceEnables the dynamic crosshair when crouching/jumping...
 cl_fixtimerate7.5floatnetcodeCl_fixtimerate is the # of msec per frame of "clock drift" fixup. Since the server is sending timestamps in every packet, but we only read networking once per frame, we don't want to just "accept" the server clock, so we use it as a target and "correct" toward it by the fixtimerate (unless the delta becomes too large and we snap the client to the server clock).
 cl_fog_b00255integervideoIt sets the fog color blue value. Fog can be enabled with gl_fog 1. By default, this CVar is hidden and you need to add -dev to the game command line for this cvar to work. The only official map that have fog is de_inferno_cz. Map authors can add fog in their maps with the env_fog entity which auto set this CVar.
 cl_fog_density001floatvideoIt sets the density of the fog. Fog can be enabled with gl_fog 1. By default, this CVar is hidden and you need to add -dev to the game command line for this cvar to work. The only official map that have fog is de_inferno_cz. Map authors can add fog in their maps with the env_fog entity which auto set this CVar. A good value is 0.0003.
 cl_fog_g00255integervideoIt sets the fog color green value. Fog can be enabled with gl_fog 1. By default, this CVar is hidden and you need to add -dev to the game command line for this cvar to work. The only official map that have fog is de_inferno_cz. Map authors can add fog in their maps with the env_fog entity which auto set this CVar.
 cl_fog_r00255integervideoIt sets the fog color red value. Fog can be enabled with gl_fog 1. By default, this CVar is hidden and you need to add -dev to the game command line for this cvar to work. The only official map that have fog is de_inferno_cz. Map authors can add fog in their maps with the env_fog entity which auto set this CVar.
 cl_forwardspeed400integermovementSets the speed using the forward key (+forward). This is limited by sv_maxspeed server side. And in CS this is limited by the per weapon speed.This should be equal to cl_backspeed and cl_sidespeed or you will have problem holding forward and left at the same time for example.
 cl_gaitestimation101booleannetcodeCl_gaitestimation uses an alternate path for computing the velocity of other players, which is used to drive their lower body (leg) animations. However, cs 1.6 forces it on and the cvar is ignored.
 cl_gg001booleanserverIf enables, when viewing a demo with using playdemo or viewdemo, it runs the demo in benchmaking mode, quits the game and saves the results in fps.txt file . It's the same as running a demo with gg "demoname".
 cl_himodels001booleanvideoEnables the High Quality models. This only works in Half-Life.
 cl_idealpitchscale0.8floatvideoThis was used by a system (mostly for using joysticks) of adjusting the eye "pitch" angle when walking up/down sloped surfaces. It looks like this used to "scale" how quickly the pitch converged on the "ideal" pitch for the slope. This works when lookspring is enabled (mouse look need to be disabled) and when joystick look is enabled. The value is by how many degree the view is adjusted when walking up/down sloped surfaces.
 cl_lc101booleannetcodeThis is called "server-side hit computation and lag compensation".
This only works if the server is allowing lag compensation (sv_unlag 1) and if the firing player is requesting lag compensation (cl_lc 1 - note that the player must also be predicting weapon firing client-side, too, or cl_lc is ignored). Don't change this. See also cl_lw.
 cl_logocolor#Valve_OrangestringinterfaceIt defines the color of your spray: #Valve_Blue, #Valve_Brown, #Valve_Dkgray, #Valve_Ltblue, #Valve_Ltgray, #Valve_Green, #Valve_Orange, #Valve_Red, #Valve_Yellow
 cl_logofilelambdastringinterfaceIt defines which spray you want to use among those: 8ball1, andre, camp1, chick1, chuckskull, devl1, gun1, lambda, skull, smiley, splatt, tiki, v_1
 cl_lw101booleannetcodeThis is called "client-side weapon firing prediction".
What this refers to is the instantaneous set of effects that occur when the fire button is pressed. These effects are all done client-side if client-side weapon firing prediction is enabled (cl_lw is 1). The effects include: starting the weapon firing animation, showing any muzzle flash, creating any ejected shells, drawing decals and bullet puffs at the impact spot on the wall of the level, starting the weapon firing sound, etc. However, the actual determination of whether the shot (for hit-scan weapons at least) hit another player is now and always has been done at the server. If this is disabled, Lag Compensation is also disabled. See cl_lc.
 cl_minmodels001booleanvideoEnable displaying of only the minimum models: leet.mdl, gign.mdl and vip.mdl, enabling may improve performance.
 cl_movespeedkey0.5200.52floatmovementThe speed at which you move when +speed is active.
 cl_needinstanced001booleandeveloperEnabling this will print into the console some infos about the models being loaded(weapon models). You need developer 1 to see the infos. And you need sv_instancedbaseline 1 server side. (This is already 1 by default)
 cl_nosmooth001booleannetcodeIt defines if the prediction errors will be smoothly corrected over the cl_smoothtime time. If set to 1, the prediction error smoothing is disabled (same with cl_smoothime 0).
 cl_observercrosshair101booleaninterfaceThis enables the crosshair in Free Look spectator mode. It's buggued, it only works if you die and the camera is set to free look, after changing spectating mode, it will not work except next round if you die and are in free look mode again.
 cl_pitchdown89integerinterfaceSets the maximum view angle to look down. This is locked and can't be changed in CS.
 cl_pitchspeed22550floatmovementThis is how fast your view loop up / look down with using the commands +lookup / +lookdown.
 cl_pitchup89integerinterfaceSets the maximum view angle to look up. This is locked and can't be changed in CS.
 cl_pmanstats001booleaninterfaceIt displays on your screen infos about particles. The particles are smokes grenades (maybe there are others things, but I didn't see anything other that could change this particle meter).
"Number of particles" is the number of particles that are in the map at the moment.
"Particles Drawn" is how much particles are drawn on your screen at the moment.
"CMiniMem Free" is how much memory is availaible for smokes.
 cl_radartype001booleaninterfaceEnables opaque (non translucent) radar.
 cl_rate9999100020000integernetcodeThis is how many bytes per seconds the client send to the server. Note: It's a command but it works like a cvar, except that sometimes it doesn't work if you try setting it in your cfg.
 cl_resend61.520floatconnectionDelay in seconds before the client will resend the 'connect' attempt. This is when you have problem connecting to server and when you see : "Retrying connection to server #1". And this hasn't anything to do with netcode like people originally though.
 cl_righthand1-11integerinterfaceIf it's set to -1, you'll have your guns on left hand and your knife on right hand. If it's set to 0, all weapons are on left hand. If it's set to 1, all weapons are on right hand.
 cl_shadows101booleanvideoEnables player shadows (small black circle), disable to improve performance.
 cl_showerror001booleaninterfaceShow the Prediction Errors on your screen.
 cl_showevents001booleaninterfaceEnables showing on events like weapon firing, all events are listed in cstrike/events/.
 cl_showfps001booleaninterfaceShows your current FPS in the upper left corner of your screen.
 cl_showmessages001booleaninterfaceDump network traffic to console. It needs developer 1 to work.
 cl_shownet002integernetcode0 Do not display any information.
1 Print current incoming packet size in byte.
2 Print information about the current in coming packet and it's size.
 cl_sidespeed400integermovementSets the speed using the move left and move right key (+moveleft and +moveright). This is limited by sv_maxspeed server side. And in CS this is limited by the per weapon speed. This should be equal to cl_backspeed and cl_forwardspeed or you will have problem holding forward and left at the same time for example.
 cl_slist10integerconnectionThis is how many seconds to wait max for responses when doing a LAN "slist" ping. Responses coming in later than that are ignored.
 cl_smoothtime0.1floatnetcodeIt defines the amount of time the view will be smoothly correct after a prediction error. If we set cl_smoothtime to 0 (or cl_nosmooth to 1), our interpolation wont be 'smoothed' or corrected and we will see the actual position of the players. Note that this will cause a jump in the players movements, but they will be correct.
 cl_solid_players101booleannetcodeWhether the movement prediction engine should treat other players as solid.
 cl_timeout300integerconnectionWhen you are inactive, it's after how many seconds the server disconnect you. This is also controled by sv_timeout (server side)
 cl_updaterate2010102integernetcodeIt's the number of updates per second you are requesting from the server.
 cl_upspeed320integermovementSets the speed using the swim up / swim down keys(+moveup / +moveleft). This is limited by sv_maxspeed server side. And in CS this is limited by the per weapon speed.
 cl_vsmoothing0.050.0floatnetcodeThis is called "View smoothing", enables interpolation between view vectors. It smooths/interpolates the view origin and angles when riding trains/plats. 0.05 should be good(if you have above 20 fps) and 0 disables it so it should increase your fps.
 cl_waterdist4integerinterfaceIt compensates the view along the surface of water.
 cl_weaponlistfix001booleannetcodeIt was to fix a bug in the original HL1 code related to the WeaponList usermessage - the message would just be ignored if this was set.
 cl_weather103integervideoEnables rain on de_aztec, 1 will cause a few rain drops, 2 will increase them, and 3 will cause a downpour.

Disables it to improve performance.
 cl_yawspeed2100floatmovementDefines turn speed with +left and +right.
 clientport27005stringconnectionSets the port that the client connects to the server through.
 clockwindow0.5floatserverIt's designed to combat the speedhacks being used in-game. The default value for this cvar is "0.5". As you lower the value (0.3, 0.1, 0.01, etc.), modem clients' games should feel jittery. Adjusting "clockwindow" does not affect the server. This doesn't really block the speedhacks now, but just make the speedhacker lag a lot when speedhacking.
 con_color255 180 30stringinterfaceSets the color of chat messages. in RGB. In Won (the system before Steam), it was used to change the console text color as well.
 con_notifytime40integerinterfaceThe amount of time in seconds developer messages stay in the upper-left before disappear of the screen.
 console101booleaninterfaceThis is not working in Steam, but in Won (the system before Steam) if you had this CVar on "0" you couldn't open the console.
 coop001booleanserverThis was to enable the cooperative mode in Quake. This is not working in HL1 because there is NO coop mod (not working in CS either because CS is multi player).
 crosshair101booleanvideoEnables the red dot at the middle of awp/scout/g3sg1/sg550 crosshairs.
 d_mipcap003integervideoIt sets a maximum quality for all textures, close or far.
0 High texture detail.
1 Medium texture detail.
2 Low texture detail.
3 Minimum texture detail.
 d_mipscale1integervideoIt sets the maximum scaled quality of distant textures.

0 Full object detail
1 Some object detail
2 Medium object detail
3 Low object detail

And i think you can go over 3.
 d_spriteskip001booleanvideoIt enables fast sprites rendering. It will skip rendering every N scanlines.
 deathmatch001booleanserverIt defines if the server is multi player (1) or single player (0). When you launch a listen or dedicated server, this is auto set to 1. This only stay on 0 if you launch a map by map "mapname" or you play HL single player.
 decalfrequency300integerserverSets the frequency at which players can spray their logos. Amount is in seconds, 0 means no delay (spray as fast as you can).
 default_fov9010150integerinterfaceSets the field of view in Half-Life. In CS changing it only takes effect when zoomed out over your body in spectator mode after you die. Also this will mess with your sensitivity if you try to adjust it. In Half-Life this could be used to get a "zoom" effect even for a gun without a scope
 dev_overview001booleancheatIt shows the overview map created by the game. Used for mappers, to get overview image.
 developer002integerinterfaceEnables developer mode. Developer mode can be used to show information on screen and prints advanced informations into console. Developer 2 gives more advanced informations than developer 1.
 direct0.90.751.0floatvideoDetermines scaling of ambient/direct lighting on studio models.
 displaysoundlist001booleanserverIf set, this shows the AI sound list to the console (only with developer 2).
 edgefriction2integerserverThis is used to add slowdown when jumping off of an edge. When jumping off of a platform that is 70 units from the ground, the effect of edgefriction is greatly increased. When set higher, the force pulling you down is greater. (Gravity in a sense)
 ex_interp0.10.0090.1integernetcodeex_interp sets the amount of time (in seconds) to interpolate in between each successive update(cl_updaterate).
Set this variable to 0 and nothing else. Counter-Strike will automatically set your ex_interp to 1/cl_updaterate (i.e. your console will say: "ex_interp forced up to xx msec"). This is because the time in between each packet is exactly 1/(the # of updates per second), so this is how long you want your client to interpolate.
 fakelag0integercheatSimulates lag when the value is higher than 0. Higher value is more lag.
 fakeloss0integercheatSimulates loss when the value is higher than 0. Higher value is more loss, sv_cheats must be enabled for this to work.
 fastsprites102integervideoDefines quality of smokepuffs, 0 being the worst and 2 being the best. Set to lower quality to improve performance.
 fps_max72201000floatvideoSet the maximum frames per second. You can only have over 100 if developer is 1 (on).
 fps_modem020100floatvideoThis is the old fps_max CVar for Internet. Leave this at 0 and use fps_max.
 fs_lazy_precache001booleanconnectionNormally this toggle is disabled which in turn enables the game to load all of the necessary sound files for that specific map before the game starts. If this toggle is enabled the game will not preload the sound files during the start of the map, instead the sound files will only be loaded when they are necessary. The sound files will stay in memory after they are loaded in order to increase performance of the game by not having to reload the same sound files from the hard drive every time that the sound file is used.
 fs_perf_warnings001booleandeveloperControls printing of warnings about texture resampling. It needs developer to be 1 (On).
 fs_precache_timings001booleandeveloperPerf printouts about sound and model loading. It needs developer to be 1 (On).
 fs_startup_timings001booleandeveloperControls a bunch of console spew about timings at startup time for the engine. It needs developer to be 1 (On).
 gamma2.51.83floatvideoSets the gamma value.
 gl_affinemodels010booleanvideoApplies opengl perspective correction hints: e.g.: glHint (GL_PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT, GL_NICEST);
 gl_alphamin0.25booleanvideoThis controls how filtering of alpha-masked textures (gratings, fences, screen-door stuff) affects the appearance of edges. Higher values makes these items (i.e. the gratings,fences,etc.) look "skinnier", 1 makes them absolutely disappear.
 gl_clear001booleanvideoIf you enable gl_clear, it will clear the color-buffer. Basically, this means that when the camera can see into the void, either because of the map extending past the farclip plane or there is some kind of corruption of the map data. This is often used as a debugging tool as the 'gl_clear' color is red. It's used by Mappers to see if there are leaks in their maps. It seems that in D3D, it turns everything to red even if you are not outside the map.
 gl_cull101booleanvideoEnables opengl GL_CULL_FACE setting.
 gl_d3dflip001booleanvideoThis CVar have only a effect in D3D mode. It enable reversed rendering order. With nVidia Detonator 53.03 and gl_d3dflip 0, you can get a WH.
If you are having mouse lags problems in D3D( most of time in smokes ), you can try gl_d3dflip 1, it will reduce the lag or fix it.
 gl_dither101booleanvideo16 bit OpenGL rendering can use a form of dithering where the lack of colour depth is hidden by rounding different ways depending on the pixel being drawn. Setting to 0 can theoretically be faster or less hideous. Then again, it could look more bland. It depends on personal preference. It seems that at 32 bit it don't have effect on walls but only on sky.
 gl_flipmatrix001booleanvideoIt's a fix for your crosshair if you are using 3dfx drivers (Old video cards, example: Voodoo, Voodoo2, Rush or Banshee.) Maybe in CS 1.6 you can't even use 3dfx servers since there is no option like in 1.5 to enable it. If you use that with others drivers you'll get your AWP/Scout crosshair buggued.
 gl_fog101booleanvideoTurn On/Off the fog effect. This was made for CZ and not for 1.6 but it can work in 1.6. It only works in de_inferno_cz. But with this you can get a colored map (or make it work in all maps) : You must have -dev in the launch parameters and set cl_fog_density to 1 + cl_fog_r/cl_fog_r/cl_fog_g (those control the color).
 gl_keeptjunctions101booleanvideoKeep collinear points added by QCSG/QBSP to fix T-junctions. If you set it to 0 you will see cracks between some textures.
 gl_lightholes101booleanvideoControls whether to apply lighting to surfaces with "holes" (not sure if this still actually works).
 gl_max_size512256512integervideoThe maximum pixel size which textures are loaded in. The value must be a multiple of 16 to prevent white textures, when a texture is larger than gl_max_size it will be cropped into that size, if that size isn't a multiple of 16 it will become a white texture. Although gl_max_size has no maximum value, a value of 512 is the most realistic maximum value of gl_max_size.
 gl_monolights001booleanvideoCreate uniform light source, no shadows. (Can also be called FullBright). When a grenade explode in a area or you turn on your flashlight, the gamma of this area will go back to normal.
 gl_nobind001booleanvideoToggles the replacement of textures with alphanumeric characters. Obsolete, not working in 1.6.
 gl_nocolors001booleanvideoDon't bind separately colored textures for players. Obsolete and not supported.
 gl_overbright001booleanvideoSaturated lighting. Makes lighting more natural and realistic.
 gl_palette_tex101booleanvideoEnable/disable support for paletted textures. If the GL driver you're using doesn't support the extension, this won't make any difference. But some cards support the extension poorly and support must be disabled using this variable.
 gl_picmip003integervideoSets the rendering quality - * higher the number is faster but lower quality
Don't set it over 3 or cs will crash.
 gl_playermip001booleanvideoSets the rendering quality to the models. Not supported.
 gl_polyoffset0.1/4-0.00125integervideoAmount of offset to apply to decals on polygons.
 gl_reporttjunctions001booleanvideoThis cvar doesn't have any effect.
 gl_round_down305integervideoThis is the textures accuracy or the textures rounding. When textures need to be resized they are rounded up or down depending of this. Setting it to a low value SHOULD make the textures rendered more accurately and setting it to a high value SHOULD make the textures accuracy worse. I say "SHOULD" because it can depend of video card. The max value SHOULD be 5 but again it can depend of video card.
 gl_spriteblend101booleanvideoIt enabled alpha-blending on sprites. It's like the rendering quality to the sprites (gl_spriteblend 0 = bad quality), blood n stuffs.(0=more blood)
 gl_wateramp0.3floatvideoIt amplifies the water's waves (in maps with water of course). This cvar can only be changed by sv_wateramp(Server Side).
 gl_wireframe003integervideogl_wireframe 1 does the former, placing glowing lines on each face that the engine is drawing which show how it is being split up. gl_wireframe 2 does the same thing, but the lines it creates can be seen through walls, thus allowing you to tell how much of the map is being drawn (including other areas that maybe should not be drawn!).

gl_wireframe 1, then, is good for seeing how faces are being split etc. gl_wireframe 2 is best for seeing if your VIS blockers are actually working and stopping other areas from being drawn.

This is used by mappers to see what is calculated to improve the performances of their maps.
 gl_zmax4096integervideoSets max zbuffer size. This the max viewable distance. Setting it to 0 in D3D renderer makes you see through walls. Since people was cheating with it, VALVe added a protection and this cvar can now only be changed with sv_zmax ( Server Side ).
 gl_ztrick001booleanvideoZ-buffer half range, but no clears (saves fill rate). Enabling this might cause distant objects to flicker. If you want more fps, enable this.
 graphheight64integernetcodeSets the height of net_graph.
 hisound101booleanaudioToggles high quality sound.
 host_framerate0floatserverThis scales the clock, but only in single player or during demo playback (can be used for fast forward).
 host_killtime00integerserverSets a time delay before killing the server.
 host_profile001booleanserverDisplays the number of clients connected and their network latency.
 host_speeds001booleanserverDisplays Host FPS, network latency, transfer rates, rendering rates and number of entities for the map.
 hostnamestringserverSets the name of the server.
 hostport0integerserverSets the port to use for your server. This CVar has the same effect as the CVar "port" except that if "hostport" is not 0, it is used instead of "port".
 hpk_maxsize1.5floatconnectionDefines the maximum size of custom.hpk in your cstrike folder, custom.hpk is used to store other players logos in. It's value is in MB, a value of 0 means no maximum size.
 hud_capturemouse101booleaninterfaceIf disabled, there is no mouse cursor in the command menu. This doesn't work in CS 1.6 and DoD 1.3 because the command menu no longer accept number binds. But this still work in HL, TFC and some others mods.
 hud_centerid001booleaninterfaceToggles whether the player names are shown in the lower left corner or in the middle of the screen. Player name is shown when your aiming at another player.
 hud_classautokill101booleaninterfaceIf enabled, automatically kill yourself after choosing a new player class in TFC.
 hud_deathnotice_time6integerinterfaceSets the amount of seconds death notices are shown.
 hud_draw101booleaninterfaceEnables drawing of the HUD.
 hud_drawhistory_time5integerinterfaceSets the ammount of seconds HUD icons are shown. For example buy icons.
 hud_fastswitch001booleaninterfaceToggles fast weapon switch. If on, then weapons switch immediately, when you press a number key(They must be bound to slotX commands). This has no effect when you're scrolling through your weapons(using invprev and invnext).
 hud_saytext101booleaninterfaceIt enables the in-game chat (Same as hud_saytext_internal for CS, CZ & DoD).
 hud_saytext_internal101booleaninterfaceIt enables the in-game chat. hud_saytext (cmd) toggles this CVar. This is only in CS, CZ & DoD.
 hud_saytext_time5integerinterfaceSets the amount of seconds chat messages are shown.
 hud_takesshots001booleaninterfaceEnables taking snapshots at the end of maps.
 humans_join_teamanystringserverThis is used for team restrictions. Set it to "any" to allow all teams (default), to "ct" to only allow Counter-Terrorists, and to "t" to only allow Terrorists.
 iplocalhoststringserverIf the connection with steam server can't be make, you'll need to use this variable in the server command line specifying the server's ip.
 joyadvanced001booleanjoystickThis enables the use of the advanced axes variables starting by joyadvaxisX where X is the axis letter.
 joyadvaxisr0020integerjoystickControls mapping of DirectInput axis R (typically joystick rudder).
It can be set to the following controls:

0 = Axis not used
1 = Axis is for forward and backward movement
2 = Axis is for looking up and down (pitch)
3 = Axis is for side to side movement
4 = Axis is for turning left and right (yaw)

Additionally, it can be designated as an absolute axis (like a joystick) or a relative axis (like the FPgaming trackball or the WingMan Warrior SpinControl). Absolute axes are defined as having a stopping position whereas relative axes don't have a stopping position and just go around and around. To designate this axis as a relative axis, add 16 to the above control number.

This will not have any effect until joyadvanced is set to 1.0.
 joyadvaxisu0020integerjoystickControls mapping of DirectInput axis U (custom axis).
It can be set to the following controls:

0 = Axis not used
1 = Axis is for forward and backward movement
2 = Axis is for looking up and down (pitch)
3 = Axis is for side to side movement
4 = Axis is for turning left and right (yaw)

Additionally, it can be designated as an absolute axis (like a joystick) or a relative axis (like the FPgaming trackball or the WingMan Warrior SpinControl). Absolute axes are defined as having a stopping position whereas relative axes don't have a stopping position and just go around and around. To designate this axis as a relative axis, add 16 to the above control number.
 joyadvaxisv0020integerjoystickControls mapping of DirectInput axis V (custom axis).
It can be set to the following controls:

0 = Axis not used
1 = Axis is for forward and backward movement
2 = Axis is for looking up and down (pitch)
3 = Axis is for side to side movement
4 = Axis is for turning left and right (yaw)

Additionally, it can be designated as an absolute axis (like a joystick) or a relative axis (like the FPgaming trackball or the WingMan Warrior SpinControl). Absolute axes are defined as having a stopping position whereas relative axes don't have a stopping position and just go around and around. To designate this axis as a relative axis, add 16 to the above control number.
 joyadvaxisx0020integerjoystickControls mapping of DirectInput axis X (typically joystick left and right).
It can be set to the following controls:

0 = Axis not used
1 = Axis is for forward and backward movement
2 = Axis is for looking up and down (pitch)
3 = Axis is for side to side movement
4 = Axis is for turning left and right (yaw)

Additionally, it can be designated as an absolute axis (like a joystick) or a relative axis (like the FPgaming trackball or the WingMan Warrior SpinControl). Absolute axes are defined as having a stopping position whereas relative axes don't have a stopping position and just go around and around. To designate this axis as a relative axis, add 16 to the above control number.

This will not have any effect until joyadvanced is set to 1.0.
 joyadvaxisy0020integerjoystickControls mapping of DirectInput axis Y (typically joystick forward and backward).
It can be set to the following controls:

0 = Axis not used
1 = Axis is for forward and backward movement
2 = Axis is for looking up and down (pitch)
3 = Axis is for side to side movement
4 = Axis is for turning left and right (yaw)

Additionally, it can be designated as an absolute axis (like a joystick) or a relative axis (like the FPgaming trackball or the WingMan Warrior SpinControl). Absolute axes are defined as having a stopping position whereas relative axes don't have a stopping position and just go around and around. To designate this axis as a relative axis, add 16 to the above control number.

This will not have any effect until joyadvanced is set to 1.0.
 joyadvaxisz0020integerjoystickControls mapping of DirectInput axis Z (typically joystick throttle).
It can be set to the following controls:

0 = Axis not used
1 = Axis is for forward and backward movement
2 = Axis is for looking up and down (pitch)
3 = Axis is for side to side movement
4 = Axis is for turning left and right (yaw)

Additionally, it can be designated as an absolute axis (like a joystick) or a relative axis (like the FPgaming trackball or the WingMan Warrior SpinControl). Absolute axes are defined as having a stopping position whereas relative axes don't have a stopping position and just go around and around. To designate this axis as a relative axis, add 16 to the above control number.

This will not have any effect until joyadvanced is set to 1.0.
 joyforwardsensitivity-1.0floatjoystickControls the ramp-up speed or how much joystick movement is required for moving "full speed" forward and backward.
 joyforwardthreshold0.15floatjoystickControls the dead-zone for moving forward and backward.
 joypitchsensitivity1.0floatjoystickControls the speed or ratio used when you look up and down.
 joypitchthreshold0.15floatjoystickControls the dead-zone for looking up and down.
 joysidesensitivity-1.0floatjoystickControls the ramp-up speed or how much joystick movement is required for moving "full speed" side to side.
 joysidethreshold0.15floatjoystickControls the dead-zone for moving side to side.
 joystick001booleanjoystickEnables the use of a joystick.
 joywwhack1001booleanjoystickThis is one of the two variables which enable special response curves tuned for the Logitech Wingman Warrior joystick.
When enabled, this fixes a centering problem.
 joywwhack2001booleanjoystickThis is one of the two variables which enable special response curves tuned for the Logitech Wingman Warrior joystick.
When enabled, this fixes an "out of control" spin problem when using the joystick to turn or look left/right.
 joyyawsensitivity-1floatjoystickControls the speed that or ratio used when you look left to right.
 joyyawthreshold0.15floatjoystickControls the dead-zone for looking left and right.
 lambert1.5floatvideoSets the lambert level. Lambert is the player models lighting.
 lightgamma2.5floatvideoSets the in game lightgamma. It has a protection to be forced to 2.5 when connecting to a server, but it's like a "broken" protection because the gamma is set before the protection is set, so you can still change this before connecting to a server. When a grenade explode in a area or you turn on your flashlight, the gamma of this area will go back to normal. If changed, it might crash the game.
 loadas8bit001booleanaudioToggles the use of 8 bit sound, which is lowest quality. On = 8 Bit. Off = 16 Bit.
 logsdirlogsstringserverDefines the directory where the server logs will be created with the "log" command.
 lookspring001booleanmouseEnables automatic view centering when Mouse Look is disabled (-mlook). It should be set during mouse look is enabled(+mlook). It also disable the up and down mouse movements.
 lookstrafe001booleanmouseWhen enabled, the left/right mouse movements make you strafe instead of turn.
 lservercfgfilelistenserver.cfgstringserverSets the config file which is loaded when the listen server start.
 m_filter001booleanmouseToggles mouse filter. Mouse filter smooths out mouse movements.
 m_forward1floatmouseIt defines how fast you move forward/backward while moving your mouse. It Needs Mouse Look disabled to move forward/backward with your mouse.
 m_pitch0.0220.0220.022floatmouseSets the sensitivity ratio of up and down mouse movements. Negative numbers causes inverted mouse movements. This can't be changed except from the options menu with "Reverted Mouse" who sets m_pitch to -0.022
 m_side0.8floatmouseIt defines how fast you strafe while moving your mouse. It Needs lookstrafe 1 and Mouse Look Enabled(+mlook) to strafe with your mouse.
 m_yaw0.022floatmouseSets the sensitivity ratio of left and right mouse movements. Negative numbers causes inverted mouse movements.
 mapchangecfgfilestringserverThis sets the config file which is loaded at each map change.
 mapcyclefilemapcycle.txtstringserverThis sets the file which will be used for the map cycle.
 max_queries_sec0.5floatserverIt's part of the rate limiting code to Out-Of-Band queries (i.e. players, info). It defines max queries per second per user (averaged over max_queries_window).
 max_queries_sec_global10integerserverIt's part of the rate limiting code to Out-Of-Band queries (i.e. players, info). It defines max queries per second for all queries.
 max_queries_window30integerserverIt's part of the rate limiting code to Out-Of-Band queries (i.e. players, info). It defines time window to average query rates over.
 max_shells120integervideoMaximum number of shells which can go out of all other player's weapon's at one time.
 max_smokepuffs120integervideoMaximum number of smoke puffs that go out the smoke grenades and your bullets (on the wall) at one time.
 modelbarneystringvideoSets your model in Half-Life. Valid models names: barney, gina, gman, gordon, helmet, hgrunt, recon, robo, scientist, zombie.
 motdfilemotd.htmlstringserverSets the file to use as message of the day (welcome screen).
 mp_allowmonsters001booleanserverAllow or not the spawning of monsters in multiplayer. (Half-Life only)
 mp_autocrosshair001booleaninterfaceIf sv_aim is 1, this enables the red crosshair in multiplayer.
 mp_autokick1booleanserverEnable automatic team-killer banning and idle client kicking.
 mp_autoteambalance101booleanserverToggles auto balancing of teams.
 mp_buytime1.50.25floatserverDesignate the desired amount of buy time for each round.
 mp_c4timer451590integerserverC4 timer duration. Minimum of 15, maximum of 90. Value should be 35 sec in matches.
 mp_chattime101integerserverAmount of time in seconds players can chat after the game is over.
 mp_consistency101booleanserverThis checks to see that the client connecting has not modified his models or sounds in order to give him an unfair advantage. For some models, it check only the size, to see if it don't exceed the hitboxes. But this doesn't check all models/sounds/... Some exploitable one are still here like the smoke sprite. (to gain no smoke)
 mp_decals300integervideoIt sets the maximum decals (Spray logo, bullet holes, grenade scorch, blood on ground) VISIBLE on the screen. It has to be set before connection to server. It's not the same as r_decals.
 mp_defaultteam001booleanserverIf this is set to 1, then players are forced on to the first team (team index 0) when they join. Otherwise, they are forced to join the team with fewest players. If they are forced to join the first team by the map (mp_defaultteam 1), then players are not allowed to change teams during that map (unless the map changes their team for them). This is one of the map properties, so the map will automatically set the cvar value depending of what the mapper chose.
 mp_fadetoblack001booleanserverWhen set to 1, player's screen fades to black for the remainder of the round when he dies (hud still works normally so player can chat and see the scores, etc.) Overrides mp_forcechasecam
 mp_falldamage001booleanserverEnables realistic fall damage in Half-Life.
 mp_flashlight001booleanserverSet to 1 to enable the use of flashlights, 0 to disable.
 mp_footsteps101booleanserverSet to 1 to enable footsteps, 0 to disable.
 mp_forcecamera003integerserverThis cvar was added in CS 1.4, and seems to be exactly the same as mp_forcechasecam. If mp_forcecamera and mp_forcechasecam are both set to an other value than 0, mp_forcecamera will be ignored and mp_forcechasecam value will be used instead.

0 You can spectate anyone
1 You can spectate teammates only + No Free Look
2 Only first person mode is allowed
3 You can spectate teammates only (Free Look works)
 mp_forcechasecam003integerserverThis cvar seems to be exactly the same as mp_forcechasecam. If mp_forcecamera and mp_forcechasecam are both set to an other value than 0, mp_forcecamera will be ignored and mp_forcechasecam value will be used instead.

0 You can spectate anyone
1 You can spectate teammates only + No Free Look
2 Only first person mode is allowed
3 You can spectate teammates only (Free Look works)
 mp_forcerespawn001booleanserverIf enabled, players will automatically respawn when killed.
 mp_fraglimit0integerserverIf set to something other than 0, when anybody's scored reaches mp_fraglimit the server changes map.
 mp_fragsleft0integerservermp_fragsleft is the number of frags left, if you have set mp_fraglimit. You just type mp_fragsleft in server console, and it tells you the number of frags left depending of mp_fraglimit.
NOTE: mp_fraglimit doesn't exist in CS, and seems to only work in Half-Life.
 mp_freezetime6integerserverThe length in seconds of the Freeze period at the beginning of rounds. Set to 0 to disable.
 mp_friendlyfire001booleanserverSet to 1 to enable friendly fire, 0 to disable.
 mp_ghostfrequency0.1floatserverGhost update period. How long in seconds until the next update. In cs beta 5.0, you could see the free-look spectators moving when you were dead (they were called ghosts). But the ghosts were removed after. This cvar doesn't have any effect now.
 mp_hostagepenalty13integerserverMax. number of hostages you can kill before the server boots you out... setting this to 0 will shut off this command.
 mp_kickpercent0.660.01.0floatserverSets the percentage of teammates it takes to vote off a player.
 mp_limitteams2integerserverMaximum number of players that one team can have over the other. To entirely disable team limiting, set to 0.
 mp_logdetail001integerserverBitwise cvar to set the level of detail for logging attacks.

0 = Log no attacks
1 = Log enemy attacks
2 = Log teammate attacks
3 = Log enemy AND teammate attacks
 mp_logecho101booleanserverIf enables, server log messages are being displayed into server console.
 mp_logfile101booleanserverEnables the logging of server console into a file in logs/ folder.
 mp_logmessages101booleanserverUsed for server admins to spit out chat messages in their log files.
 mp_mapvoteratio0.660.01.0floatserverSet the ratio of players required to vote on the same map before a map will change. The default is 0.66 , which means that 66% of the players on a server must vote on the same map in order for the server to change to that map.
 mp_maxrounds0integerserverMaximum number of rounds to be played on a map, leave at 0 to obey mp_timelimit.
 mp_mirrordamage001booleanserverThis CVar doesn't have any effect. It's in CS since the first betas versions. It's not even in the CS Manual part with CS Specific cvars. This was probably going to be a function for when you attack teammates, it mirrors the damages on you and they take no damage. The original creators of CS, probably didn't finish the code of it or forget about it.
 mp_playerid002integerserverToggles what information players see in the status bar
0 everyone: players see all names listed in the status bar (with appropriate
team colors)
1 team only: players only see names for their teammates and hostages in the
status bar
2 off: players do not see any names in the status bar (hostages included)
 mp_roundtime519floatserverMin round time is 1 min. Max round time is 9 min. Supports partial minutes (1.5 is 90 seconds).
 mp_startmoney16000016000integerserverSets the amount of money players start with.
 mp_teamlistrobo;hgruntstringserverThis defines the team names in HLDM depending of the models. Put nothing to allow all teams. List of valid team names: barney, gina, gman, gordon, helmet, hgrunt, recon, robo, scientist, zombie
 mp_teamoverride001booleanserverAllows maps to override the server's mp_teamlist.
 mp_timeleft0integerservermp_timeleft is the number of time left before the map changes, if you have set mp_timelimit. You just type mp_timeleft in server console, and it tells you the number of time left depending of mp_timelimit.
NOTE: mp_timeleft only work in Half-Life. It's useless in CS because of the client console command "timeleft" which do exactly the same.
 mp_timelimit0integerserverPeriod between map rotations.
 mp_tkpunish001booleanserverIf set to 1, TK'ers will be auto-killed next round.
 mp_weaponstay001booleanserverThis forces weapons to immediately respawn after one player has picked them up, allowing the next player to be able to immediately grab weapons.
 mp_windifference1integerserverIt is used by CS for determining delta between T and CT wins for applying victory logic.
 mp_winlimit0integerserverWill cycle the map after one team reaches this many wins.
 namePlayerstringSets your name.
 net_graph003integernetcodeEnables the use of a net_graph. It displays information about your settings, ping, fps, etc. dependent on the type of net graph. For more information read this.
 net_graphpos002integernetcodeSets the position of net_graph.

0 = right
1 = center
2 = left
 net_graphwidth192integernetcodeSets the width of net_graph. Higher number is wider net_graph.
 net_scale5integernetcodeSets the amount of bytes shown per pixel in net_graph.
 net_showdrop001booleanconnectionShows a message in console when a packet is dropped. This is for both client and server.
 net_showpackets001booleanconnectionShows incoming/outgoing packets. This is for both client and server.
 nosound001booleanSoundShould disable all sound, except for certain sounds like the footstep sound when a bullet ricochets.
 passwordstringconnectionSets the password of the server you want to connect to. This cvar is changed automatically when you enter a passworded server by the server browser.
 pausable001booleanserverAllow or not the players to pause the game using the pause command.
 port27015integerserverSets the port to use for your server.
 r_aliastransadj100 video
 r_aliastransbase200 video
 r_ambient_b00255integervideoArtificially shifts the lighting of the current world by the value to blue.
 r_ambient_g00255integervideoArtificially shifts the lighting of the current world by the value to green.
 r_ambient_r00255integervideoArtificially shifts the lighting of the current world by the value to red.
 r_bmodelinterp101booleanvideoControls whether moving brush models interpolate their positions (smooths presentation).
 r_cachestudio101booleanvideoDetermines whether to cache studio model "hulls" for quicker tests - the cache has a limited size/lifespan. This is a perf optimization.
 r_cullsequencebox101booleanvideoIn multiplayer, if set then instead of just testing of bbox is on back side of viewer, we check the entire frustum for the current animations extents (sequence box).
 r_decals4096integervideoIt sets the decals (Spray logo, bullet holes, grenade scorch, blood on ground) limit. If higher than mp_decals, it will be set to mp_decals value (It's reset to mp_decals value when connecting to server). It's not the same as mp_decals.
 r_detailtextures001booleanvideoTurn on/off Detailed Textures. In cs 1.6 by default there are detailed textures only for Cobble.
 r_drawentities105integervideoControls drawing of entities/models.
0 = no entities
1 = Default and draws entities normally
2 = entities drawn as skeletons
3 = entities drawn each bone having a bounding box
4 = entities drawn with box
5 = individual box for player and weapon NOTE: works only in SOFTWARE-mode

D3D/OpenGL : Single Player Only
SoftWare : Multi Player
 r_drawflat001booleanvideoWith "r_drawflat 1", we see how the engine has to break up the surfaces to draw them. I think it's used by mappers.
 r_draworder001booleanvideoWallHack that show what is calculated through walls, used by mappers to improve map performances.
 r_drawviewmodel101booleanvideoToggle the view of the weapon model.
 r_dspeeds001booleanvideo0 = Do not display renderer speed statistics.
1 = Display renderer speed statistics.(Need developer 1)
 r_dynamic101booleanvideoDynamic lighting is when lighted objects create projections on the walls or objects around them(example: rockets in half-life). You will gain performance by disabling this. But since a HL update it's locked to 1 in multi-player.
 r_fullbright004integervideoSetting this to "1" means no lightmaps and would render all textures without any dynamic shadings/lighting (so what you get are brightly lit textures, so much so that even the flashlight's beam is invisible).
Setting to "2" would mean only lightmaps (all models are gouraud-shaded minus textures).
Okay, this might be useful for mappers.
Setting to "3" means only lightmaps but with offset grid.
Setting to "4" is like "3" but would also show the mip level of each surface relative to the player.
 r_glowshellfreq2.2integervideoIt sets the glowing frequency of player models. Player models are glowed by server plugins. For example the respawn protection in deathmatch.
 r_graphheight10integervideoAdjusts height of graph. See r_timegraph
 r_lightmap0/-1integervideoI only get a effect with this cvar in D3D and Software:
D3D: r_lightmap -1 or 1 = White Walls.
Software:r_lightmap 1 = Remove all the lights of the map, what you just see is the sky.
 r_lightstyle-1integervideor_lightstyle 1 remove all the lights of the maps, but you can still see ennemies and sky.
 r_luminance001booleanvideor_luminance 1 makes all the map look blue/green.
 r_maxedges72007200integervideoThis variable sets the maximum number of plane surface edges to be rendered.
 r_maxsurfs20002000integervideoThis variable sets the maximum number of plane surfaces to be rendered.
 r_mirroralpha101booleanvideoMirror reflection effect. Obsolete and not supported.
 r_mmx001booleanvideoThis turns on the MMX optimizations. MMX is autodetected (1 = on, 0 = off), but you can force it on or off with this.
 r_norefresh001booleanvideoDisables the refreshing of the world and HUD.
 r_novis001booleanvideoFirst you have to know what is VIS:
VIS is short for Visible Information Set. This generates what can and can't be seen from certain locations in the map. Half-Life will then use this information when running the game to help speed up rendering, by only drawing what the player can see.
If r_novis is 1 (enabled), it would disable the VIS and would calculate everything in the map like the player can see everything. You can try with gl_wireframe 2 to see the effect.
 r_numedges001booleanvideoShows number of edges displayed at a time.
 r_numsurfs001booleanvideoShows number of brush planes displayed at a time.
 r_polymodelstats001booleanvideoDisplays number of polygon models shown
 r_reportedgeout101booleanvideoIt toggles the display of how many edges where not displayed. Only works with developer 1.
 r_reportsurfout101booleanvideoIt toggles the display of how many surfaces where not displayed. Only works with developer 1.
 r_speeds001booleanvideoUsed by mappers to see the epoly and wpoly value for map performances.
 r_timegraph001booleanvideoToggles display of graph showing time to draw screen. It's like net_graph but for FPS only.
 r_traceglow001booleanvideoTurns on the occlusion calculations. If enabled, light halos (made by env_glow entity) and some explosions sprites won't be seen through AI Players (hostages in CS, scientists and monsters in HL) when behind them.
 r_wadtextures001booleanvideor_wadtextures is used for enabling wether or not to allow included wad textures.
 r_wateralpha101booleanvideor_wateralpha 1 enables water alpha-blending(the default). To disable it (0), r_novis must be on. Disabling would allow you to see, from above water, everything beneath the surface of water (which in effect renders the water surface absolutely transparent.) This doesn't work with Half-Life 1 Engine. To get transparent water, mappers have to use the func_water entity.
 r_waterwarp101booleanvideoIf 0 then there is no wave effect while being under water.
Use 0 for more visibility in water.
 rate20000100020000integernetcodeThis is how many bytes per seconds the server send to the client. For internet games only (sv_lan 0), except if sv_lan_rate < 1001 on a LAN game (sv_lan 1).
 rcon_addressstringconnectionThis is to allow clients to remotely connect to a server/HLTV and use the rcon commands without even being in-game. Set it to the server's IP without the port-number (
 rcon_passwordstringserverIt sets the rcon password on the server for the administrators to be able to use admins commands/cvars. The administrators have also to set rcon_password in their client console to be able to use admins commands/cvars with the rcon command.
 rcon_port0integerconnectionThe port that a client can connect remote to a server through. See rcon_address.
 room_type0028integersoundMappers use this to make echos in their map, this is changed automatically when the player enters in a zone with the env_sound entity.

Different values:

0 = Normal (off)
1 = Generic
2 = Metal Small
3 = Metal Medium
4 = Metal Large
5 = Tunnel Small
6 = Tunnel Medium
7 = Tunnel Large
8 = Chamber Small
9 = Chamber Medium 10 = Chamber Large
11 = Bright Small
12 = Bright Medium
13 = Bright Large
14 = Water 1
15 = Water 2
16 = Water 3
17 = Concrete Small
18 = Concrete Medium
19 = Concrete Large 20 = Big 1
21 = Big 2
22 = Big 3
23 = Cavern Small
24 = Cavern Medium
25 = Cavern Large
26 = Weirdo 1
27 = Weirdo 2
28 = Weirdo 3
 s_a3d001booleansoundEnable A3D sound technology. Your sound card need to support it.
 s_eax001booleansoundEnables EAX sound technology. Your sound card need to support it.
 s_show001booleaninterfaceShows on screen what sounds are played.
 scr_centertime2integerinterfaceThe amount of time in seconds that center-screen messages stay up. (Example: "Terrorists Win!" message). Note that this only works if set before a message is printed, but not while it is on the screen.
 scr_connectmsgstringinterfaceThis is the first line of a small message in white text that is drawn on a black box at the bottom center of your screen. It is usually only visible while connecting to servers since everything is drawn over-top of it. Also visible with r_norefresh 1 or when clipping outside of the map. Depending on your hand model when disconnecting from a server, it may only be partially visible when connecting to another.
 scr_connectmsg1stringinterfaceThe second line of the Connnect-Message box. See scr_connectmsg.
 scr_connectmsg2stringinterfaceThe third line of the Connnect-Message box. See scr_connectmsg.
 scr_conspeed600integerinterfaceIt sets the speed at which the console drops into view when the player presses the console key. This no longer works in 1.6 because the console no longer drops into view.
 scr_ofsx0integervideoThis sets your view origin offset on the X axis.
 scr_ofsy0integervideoThis sets your view origin offset on the Y axis.
 scr_ofsz0integervideoThis sets your view origin offset on the Z axis.
 sensitivity3120floatmouseSets the sensitivity of the mouse.
 servercfgfileserver.cfgstringserverSets the config file which is loaded when the server start. Only for dedicated servers.
 sk_*integer All cvars starting by sk_ control the HL monsters health and weapons damages for each of the three skill levels (See the "skill" cvar). Example : sk_12mm_bullet3 is how much damage the 12mm does with the skill level 3.
 skill113integer Sets the difficulty setting in Half-Life single player mode (this is automatically set when you choose the difficulty on the new game menu).
1 : Easy
2 : Medium
3 : Hard
 snd_noextraupdate001booleanaudioIf enabled, disallows "extra" sound updates which can occur during rendering or other potentially slow framerate situations.
 spec_autodirector101booleanspectatorIt enables Auto Director spectator mode.
Auto Director automatically moves the camera depending of where the player is looking at.
This is working for Free Chase Cam, Locked Chase Cam & Chase Map Overview. (Same as spec_autodirector_internal for CS, CZ & DoD).
 spec_autodirector_internal101booleanspectatorIt enables Auto Director spectator mode.
Auto Director automatically moves the camera depending of where the player is looking at.
This is working for Free Chase Cam, Locked Chase Cam & Chase Map Overview. spec_autodirector (cmd) toggles this CVar. This is only in CS, CZ & DoD.
 spec_drawcone101booleanspectatorToggles 90-degree orange view cone on overview mode that show where you are looking in spec mode (Same as spec_drawcone_internal for CS, CZ & DoD).
 spec_drawcone_internal101booleanspectatorToggles 90-degree orange view cone on overview mode that show where you are looking in spec mode. spec_drawcone (cmd) toggles this CVar. This is only in CS, CZ & DoD.
 spec_drawnames101booleanspectatorToggles drawing names on overview mode (Same as spec_drawnames_internal for CS, CZ & DoD).
 spec_drawnames_internal101booleanspectatorToggles drawing names on overview mode. spec_drawnames (cmd) toggles this CVar. This is only in CS, CZ & DoD.
 spec_drawstatus101booleanspectatorToggles the game informations (Current map, game time, ...) which show at the top right of your screen in spectator mode (Same as spec_drawstatus_internal for CS, CZ & DoD).
 spec_drawstatus_internal101booleanspectatorToggles the game informations (Current map, game time, ...) which show at the top right of your screen in spectator mode. This is only CS, CZ & DoD and it no longer works in those games since Steam.
 spec_mode_internal116integerspectatorChanging this during you play doesn't have any effect. You have to change it before you enter a server. It sets the first spectator mode you have when you enter in spectator mode (when you are dead or you are spectator). This is automatically changed when you change your spectator mode with the JUMP key, the spec menu or the spec_mode command.

1 : Locked Chase Cam
2 : Free Chase Cam
3 : Free Look
4 : First Person
5 : Free Map Overview
6 : Chase Map Overview

This is only in CS & CZ.
 spec_pip005integerspectatorSets the picture-in-picture spectator mode.
0 : Disabled
1 : Player Chase Cam
2 : First Person
3 : Chase Map Overview (Zoomed out)
4 : Chase Map Overview (Zoomed in)
5 : Buggy mode (You see view cone sprites + player view sprites like on the map overview, but it works in third person etc...)
 spec_scoreboard001booleaninterfaceToggles the scoreboard on/off. "togglescores" (command) toggles this CVar. This is a spec CVar but you don't need to be spectator to use it. This is only in CS, CZ & DoD.
 suitvolume0.250.02.0floatsoundSets the volume of the HEV suit sounds in Half-Life.
 sv_accelerate555integerserverSets the acceleration speed. Is locked(in CS only), so it automaticly switches back to default (5). But in HL you can change it and the default value is 10.
 sv_aim001booleanserverEnables auto-aim (When your crosshair is near a enemy). Only works in Half-Life.
 sv_airaccelerate10integerserverIt sets how fast you accelerate in air. Use 100 for surf_ maps.
 sv_airmove1 server
 sv_allowdownload101booleanserverEnables the server from downloading any content to the client (maps, sprays and related)
 sv_allowupload101booleanserverAllows clients sending custom sprays to the server.
 sv_alltalk001booleanserverAllow dead players to communicate via voice chat to alive players. Also allow players to communicate with opposite team/spectators.
 sv_bounce101booleanserverControls collision response for "flying" projectiles when they hit slopes.
 sv_cheats001booleancheatThis command enables the use of cheat cvars, like impulse 101 (16000 money) or impulse 102 (blood). All the cvars that are under category "cheat" in the cvarlist work only if this is enabled.
 sv_clienttrace1integerserversv_clienttrace sets the bounding box of the player for collisions (with world objects). This is not the same as setting the size of the hitbox (used for bullet hits). This can't be changed in CS, it's forced to 1. Value can differs with others HL Mods. (3.5 is used in DoD, etc...)
 sv_clipmode0 server
 sv_contactstringserverIt's used to set the server's owner e-mail.
 sv_downloadurlstringserverSetting this CVAR will allow Clients to download Custom Content via HTTP instead of
sourcing the content from the game server, much faster.
Set this to "" (null string) to convert back to normal downloads.
 sv_enableoldqueries001booleanserverSetting "sv_enableoldqueries" to 1 allows old style (no challenge/response) queries to work (it allows you to use the old HL1 Engine Master Server Query Protocol). This should be left OFF now because web server browsers, etc... are using new server queries.
 sv_filetransfercompression101booleanserverEnables the server from compressing & sending compressed content to the client.
 sv_filterban101booleanserverIt sets packet filtering by IP mode. If disabled, everybody will be like IP-Banned, but their IP won't be added to banlist.
 sv_friction4integerserverIt controls the ground friction. This is locked to 4 in CS and can't be changed.
 sv_gravity80012000integerserverSets the gravity. Lower value is lower gravity. You keep being in the air with sv_gravity 0, and can't jump with sv_gravity 12000. With negatives values, same effect as sv_gravity 0, but it jumps really faster.
 sv_instancedbaseline101booleanserverEnables server to create and use "instanced" baselines (for things like grenades, etc., which don't have good baselines because they are not placed on the .map file).
 sv_lan001booleanserverIt enables LAN server mode (no heartbeat, no authentication, class C). Only people from your local network can join.
 sv_lan_rate20000100120000integerserverIt specifies the rate to use for all clients on a lan server (sv_lan 1), default is 20000. If sv_lan_rate < 1001, it will be ignored and "rate" (client side) will be used.
 sv_log_onefile001booleanserverIt determines whether one log file is created (total) or one log file for each map change, which is how it currently is. The default is the current behavior (one for each map change).
 sv_log_singleplayer001booleanserverIf enabled, log files will be created for single player games. Need logging to be enabled of course (log on).
 sv_logbans001booleanserverIt turns the logging of player bans on and off. Default is 0 (off).
 sv_logblocks001booleanserverIt's part of the rate limiting code to Out-Of-Band queries (i.e. players, info). It logs which IP addresses have been blocked by this code. See also max_queries_* cvars.
 sv_maxrate0100020000integerserverThis set the maximum bytes per seconds the server can send to the client. 0 = unlimited. For internet games only (sv_lan 0), except if sv_lan_rate < 1001 on a LAN game (sv_lan 1).
 sv_maxspeed3201integerserverSets the maximum speed. In CS it doesn't change anything after 260, because of the weapon's speed(You go faster with scout, which is 260). For more info see the forum.
 sv_maxunlag0.5floatserverSets the maximum amount of seconds that the netcode compensates for someone's ping (sv_unlag need to be enabled). The netcode will compensate for 500ms by default.
 sv_maxupdaterate3010integerserverThis is the maximum amount of updates per second the server is able to send to the client (See cl_updaterate).
 sv_maxvelocity2000integerserverIt sets the maximum velocity of any moving object.
 sv_minrate0100020000integerserverThis set the minimum bytes per seconds the server can send to the client. 0 = unlimited. For internet games only (sv_lan 0), except if sv_lan_rate < 1001 on a LAN game (sv_lan 1).
 sv_minupdaterate1010integerserverThis is the minimum amount of updates per second the server is able to send to the client (See cl_updaterate).
 sv_newunit001booleanserverUsed to clear out savegame data of previous levels to keep the savegame size as small as possible. This is used in Half-Life single player maps. No need to modify this CVar, the mappers have to set this in the worldspawn entity.
 sv_passwordstringserverSets the password for the server. People, who want to connect to the server, needs the password.
 sv_proxies1integerserverThis is to allow HLTV proxy servers to connect to your server. It sets how much HLTV proxies will be able to connect to your server. HLTV proxies take up server slots, so make sure you take that into account before enabling this.
 sv_rcon_banpenalty0integerserverNumber of minutes to ban users who fail rcon authentication. (0=permanent)
 sv_rcon_maxfailures10integerserverMax number of times a user can fail rcon authentication before being banned. It's similar to sv_rcon_minfailures except this setting doesn't rely on sv_rcon_minfailuretime.
 sv_rcon_minfailures5integerserverNumber of times a user can fail rcon authentication in sv_rcon_minfailuretime's time before being banned.
 sv_rcon_minfailuretime30integerserverAmount of time (seconds) failed rcon attempts must occur within for the ban to be applied.
 sv_region-1integerserverThis is for the server browser filters, to set in which region the server should be shown.

eastcoast - sv_region 0
westcoast - sv_region 1
south america - sv_region 2
europe - sv_region 3
asia - sv_region 4
australia - sv_region 5
middle east - sv_region 6
africa - sv_region 7
world - sv_region 255
 sv_restart0integerserverSets the amount of seconds before the server restarts the game. This will reset all frags, scores, weapons and money to default. Use this to coordinate clan matches. It's the same as sv_restartround.
 sv_restartround0integerserverSets the amount of seconds before the server restarts the game. This will reset all frags, scores, weapons and money to default. Use this to coordinate clan matches. It's the same as sv_restart.
 sv_send_logos101booleanserverEnables the server from sending custom sprays to the clients. sv_send_logos 1 requires sv_allowdownload 1 to work.
 sv_send_resources101booleanserverThis cvar controls whether resources are propagated to clients.
 sv_skycolor_b00255integerserverIt sets the sky color blue value.
 sv_skycolor_g00255integerserverIt sets the sky color green value.
 sv_skycolor_r00255integerserverIt sets the sky color red value.
 sv_skynamedesertstringserverIt sets the name of the sky that should be used for the current map (players need to reconnect if you change it through this cvar to see the new sky). Mappers can set a specific sky for their map and it auto-set this cvar. If nothing is set, the sky will be the default one : desert
 sv_skyvec_x0floatserverIt sets the sky x-axis orientation.
 sv_skyvec_y0floatserverIt sets the sky y-axis orientation.
 sv_skyvec_z0floatserverIt sets the sky z-axis orientation.
 sv_spectatormaxspeed500integerserverSets the maximum speed a spectator can move.
 sv_stats101booleanserverDetermines whether or not to collect server CPU usage stats. Use the command "stats" to view the CPU usage data collected by this.
 sv_stepsize18integerserverThis is used to determine the maximum height of which you can walk up, without jumping. When set to a high number, you can walk over very tall objects. When set to a small number you can not walk up the littlest step.
 sv_stopspeed75integerserverIt sets the minimum stopping speed when on ground. In Half-Life and others mods, the default value is 100. But in CS, it's locked at 75, if you change it it will always comes back to 75.
 sv_timeout60integerserverControls how long before the server disconnects a client that has stopped responding (He can just be AFK).
 sv_unlag101booleanserverIt allows the clients to use lag compensation. Leave this ON.
 sv_unlagsamples1integerserverSets the amount of packets that will be averaged to find the ping to compensate for (sv_unlag need to be enabled).

sv_unlagsamples 1
The server will calculate the ping from the last
sample. (default)

sv_unlagsamples 2
The server will calculate the ping from the
average of the last two samples.
 sv_uploadmax0.5floatserverIt limits the max size (in MB) a client can use for a custom resource (i.e spray decals)
 sv_versionstringserverDefault is,47,3647.
This is some server version infos. Those are the numbers which show up when you type "version".
For example here: should be the game version/mod version. But, we all know CS is version 1.6, but it shows On others mods it shows too or, except CZ where it's
47 is the protocol version.
3647 is the build version.
 sv_visiblemaxplayers-1integerserverThis how much server slots are visible from the server browser. This is used to keep slots for admins. They have to use the connect command to join a hidden slot. But without a mod/plugin, anybody can join the hidden slot.
 sv_voicecodecvoice_milesstringserverSpecifies which voice codec DLL to use in a game. Set to the name of the DLL without the extension.
There are two codecs : voice_miles (default) and voice_speex. voice_speex gives the better voice quality. See also sv_voicequality.
 sv_voiceenable101booleanserverIt enables the voice comms.
 sv_voicequality315integerserverIf you have voice comms enabled on your server, you can set the quality of voice from here. Keep in mind, the better the quality, the more bandwidth voice comms will require. It need the voice_speex codec to be enabled (see sv_voicecodec).

sv_voicequality 1 : 2400bps, lowest quality
sv_voicequality 2 : 6000bps
sv_voicequality 3 : 8000bps
sv_voicequality 4 : 11200bps
sv_voicequality 5 : 15200bps, highest quality
 sv_wateraccelerate10 server
 sv_wateramp0floatserverIt amplifies the water's waves (in maps with water of course). This cvar auto-set gl_wateramp (it's the same but client-side) on all clients.
 sv_waterfriction1 server
 sv_zmax4096integerserverSets the size of the Z-buffer. This is the max viewable distance. Mappers can set the value they want in their map (with the worldspawn entity) and it automatically changes this cvar on map load. It changes the value of gl_zmax of any client who connects to the server. VALVe added this cvar because with gl_zmax 0 you could see through walls (in D3D renderer), so client is forced to use the server's value and can't modify gl_zmax. This can only be used in multi player on Dedicated servers (it's only working in single player for Listen servers).
 sys_ticrate10001000integerserverThis command sets the maximum "frames" per second the server can calculate.
 texgamma2.00floatvideoSets the texture gamma amount.
 tfc_newmodels101booleanvideoThis enables the new player models in TFC.
 topcolor00255integervideoSets the top color of your model in Half-Life that others see.
 traceralpha0.50.01.0floatvideoThis sets the transparency of the tracers. Tracers only work in HL with the 9mm weapon and also in some others mods. There are no tracers in CS.
 tracerblue0.40.01.0floatvideoThis sets the blue value of the tracers. Tracers only work in HL with the 9mm weapon and also in some others mods. There are no tracers in CS.
 tracergreen0.80.01.0floatvideoThis sets the green value of the tracers. Tracers only work in HL with the 9mm weapon and also in some others mods. There are no tracers in CS.
 tracerlength0.80.01.0floatvideoThis sets how long are the tracers. Tracers only work in HL with the 9mm weapon and also in some others mods. There are no tracers in CS.
 traceroffset30integervideoThis sets how far of your weapon the tracers will appear. Tracers only work in HL with the 9mm weapon and also in some others mods. There are no tracers in CS.
 tracerred0.80.01.0floatvideoThis sets the red value of the tracers. Tracers only work in HL with the 9mm weapon and also in some others mods. There are no tracers in CS.
 tracerspeed6000integervideoThis sets the speed of the tracers. Tracers only work in HL with the 9mm weapon and also in some others mods. There are no tracers in CS.
 v_centermove0.1500floatmouseSets the distance to walk before your view centers when -mlook and lookspring 1 are active.
 v_centerspeed500integermouseIt defines how fast your crosshair is centered at the middle of your screen when having mouse look disabled(-mlook) and lookspring 1.
 v_dark001booleaninterfaceSetting this to 1 causes the level to fade in from black upon initial load.
 vgui_emulatemouse001booleaninterfaceThis forces mouse cursor emulation (this may be useful for older graphics cards which display a flickering mouse cursor or no mouse cursor at all).
 vid_d3d0/101booleanvideoThis was like to switch between OpenGL and D3D modes, but since it need game restart, this doesn't work. In OpenGL this is set to 0, and in D3D to 1. It's automatically reset to the value of the video mode you are when you join a server.
 viewsize12030120integervideoIt sets the size of your in-game screen in software mode.
 violence_ablood101booleanvideoToggles alien's blood.
 violence_agibs101booleanvideoToggles alien's gibs.
 violence_hblood101booleanvideoToggles human's blood.
 violence_hgibs101booleanvideoToggles human's gibs.
 voice_enable101booleanvoiceEnables voice communication through microphone.
 voice_fadeouttime0.10floatvoiceThe amount in seconds a player's voice fades out at the end of saying something on the microphone. This is so the transition to when they stop talking sounds smoother. Put this at 0 if you want to play sounds using HLSS/HLDJ, since this makes the music fade and sound muffled after a song has been playing continuously.
 voice_forcemicrecord101booleanvoiceIt sets the recording device to Wave Out Mix, instead of Line 1/Mic.
The HL engine tries to make sure the mixer control settings are set properly when the game runs, but not all soundcards work the same way, especially very high-end sound cards like Audigy 2ZS pro cards. If you are having problems with your mic not working after you start a game, try setting this to 0.
 voice_inputfromfile001booleanvoiceWhen set to one and you use +voicerecord, this will not record your voice but rather play a WAV file from your cstrike/voice_input.wav.
 voice_loopback001booleanvoiceWhen enables it and talk on your microphone, this loops back your own voice so you can hear yourself talk.
 voice_recordtofile001booleanaudioRecords your voice to a file when set to 1 and you talk on your microphone. The two files are voice_decompressed.wav (contains no actual sound) and voice_micdata.wav (you speaking).
 voice_scale10floatvoiceThis set how loud are the voices of the others players when they talk (also your voice if you use voice_loopback).
 volume0.20floataudioSets the sound's volume level.
 waterroom_type14028integeraudioSets the room_type under water, for type descriptions, see room_type. Set to 0 for clean sound under water.
 zoom_sensitivity_ratio1.2floatmouseDefines the sensitivity ratio when zooming.

That's all folks!