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Half-Life TV Guide

This is a quick guide to the use of HLTV in any league games.

How to set-up a record-only HLTV proxy

  • Any computer can record a HLTV Demo, however, it is highly recommended that someone with a fast connection and decent computer system records as they will not lag as a result of running a hltv Demo on the computer at the same time.
  • It is expected that clans communicate with each other before games, the rooms are proided on IRC for this very reason! They should agree as to who will record the HLTV demo. (For the EDODL, refs run the HLTV Proxy)
  • This person will replace the HLTV config in their Half-Life directory with the one listed below.
  • They then run HLTV by clicking on the icon in the Half-Life Directory.
  • A black box, the HLTV console, will appear. Type "connect Serverip:port" (eg "connect" for ECSL 1")
  • Type "record demoname" to record a demo (eg. "record edodolgame" to record a demo, which has a file named edodlgame.dem)
  • Each mapchange, the demo will automatically start recording a new file. So all you need to do is close the window once the game has finished.
  • You can find the demo in the Half-Life directory.

The configuration file looks like this :

					// HLTV Proxy match recording configuration file (no spectators)
					// File by P.O'Connell for ECSL - pete@elitenation.co.uk
					// Edited by Bushido | Chouten for ECSL
					// Edited by Divvur for Mutli-league Use

					// Some commands you may make changes to:

					// The rate for HLTV to server. This works the same way as the
					// rate when you play CS/TFC/DoD so set to what your connection
					// can handle, default below is about 64k ISDN
					rate		6800

					// Setting this to 1 will mean that as soon as HLTV is connected
					// to the server it will start recording a demo and give it a
					// file name. When set to 0 you must type 'record demoname.dem'.
					autorecord	0

					// If you use HLTV to maily record from your clans server then take
					// out the '//' and change the IP:PORT to that server so HLTV auto
					// connects to it. This can also be changed to the server you wish
					// to connect to so you dont have to do it in the HLTV console.
					// connect

					// Password for joining the servers.
					// serverpassword   ecsl
					// serverpassword   uktfcl
					// serverpassword   edodl

					// None of the below settings should be changed

					// Name that will appear in scoreboard
					name		"F2C-HLTV"

					// Name that will appear in server list
					hostname	"F2C HLTV PROXY"

					// The text that will displayed when there is no match going on
					offlinetext "Sorry, game is delayed. Please try again later."

					// delays broadcasting for 45 seconds
					delay		45.0

					// auto director adds 1/2 slow-motion with a probability of 0.2 for
					// important events
					slowmotion	0.5 0.2

					// keep multicast disabled until you're definitely sure
					// that your LAN or ISP supports multicast
					multicast	0

					// Sets the HLTV proxy so no one can join
					maxclients	0

					// Rejoins the server if its disconnected for some reason
					// Good tip is if the match is delayed a bit and the demo is
					// recording waiting time then just before the start, kick HLTV and
					// it will reconnect and start a fresh demo.
					// Do allow for HLTV to reconnect before starting or it may
					// miss some action (about 45sec)
					autoretry	1

					// This delays connecting to the server after a map change until the
					// last part of the previous map
					// has been shown. Setting this to 1 just makes sure the play is
					// fully recorded.
					delayreconnect	1

					// HLTV is bugged and does not record all players voices if any at all.
					// If it does then it may just pick people from either side and what
					// you hear will be confusing.
					blockvoice	1

					// No point telling the master servers that your HLTV is active as no
					// one can join it anyway.
					// Setting to 1 stops the master servers knowing about your HLTV
					nomaster	1

					// This will log any errors that HLTV may get while trying to connect
					// to the server or help explain why it was disconnected.
					logfile		1

					// Show message for 5 seconds each 2mins in centre of X axis (-1) and
					// above help text bar (0.9). Colour given as hexadecimal RGBA.
					loopcmd 1 120 localmsg "You're watching ECSL-HLTV." 5 -1 0.9 FFA000FF

The above configuration is the one that must be used for ECSL/EDODL games and not to be edited in any way. Matches must not allow anyone to connect to the HLTV server unless specified by an ECSL/EDODL Admin.

The UKTFCL allows different HLTV configuration files, see the UKTFCL rules

If the server is one of the official league servers then you will need to have the HLTV server in the server no more than 5 minutes before the match. The server must be removed straight after your match.


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