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: HI
Same problem...can see the server, but cant connect
Connecting to public(x.x.x.x.:27021)
35.297: Sending UDP connect to public IP x.x.x.x.:27021
Server using 'public' lobbies, requiring pw no, lobby id 0
RememberIPAddressForLobby: lobby 0 from address x.x.x.x:27021
Grace request retry for unreserved server...
Retrying public(x.x.x.x:27021) ...
35.348: Sending UDP connect to public IP x.x.x.x:27021
Server using 'public' lobbies, requiring pw no, lobby id 0
RememberIPAddressForLobby: lobby 0 from address x.x.x.x:27021
Server approved grace request...
Retrying connection to x.x.x.x:27021, server requires lobby reservation but is unreserved.
Received game details information from x.x.x.x:27021...
[MM] Sending reservation request to x.x.x.x:27021
[MM] Sending reservation request to x.x.x.x:27021
How do i actually start the server?
You have to make a .bat file. Create a new text document, then inside write startup line, like this: "srcds -game csgo -console -usercon +game_type 0 +game_mode 0 +mapgroup mg_bomb +map de_dust -tickrate 200". Then saveas "Startserver.bat" and change "Save as type: to "All files". Then click the Startserver.bat to start your server.
Nice tuto!
I have created a simple script to manage the server if you want. It was tested on Debian and Ubuntu distributions and it can start, stop, restart, update the server. You can also display the console via the console command. If you are in console mod, don't forget to press CTRL+A then D to stop the screen without stopping the server.
This script is available on GitHub : https://github.com/crazy-max/c...
I need gamesmodes.txt defualt file anyone? I edited this part and server stopped working under armsrace
// Map groups for online modes
"mg_de_train" ""
"mg_de_dust" ""
"mg_de_dust2" ""
"mg_de_aztec" ""
"mg_de_inferno" ""
"mg_de_nuke" ""
"mg_cs_italy" ""
"mg_cs_office" ""
I got it i just moved the whole folder reinstalled it then moved just that one file back
how to set up deathmatch server?
doesnt work. server is not shown in servers list.
How can i remove bots from the server
i might be stupid but, how to i start a competitive game mode to have arranged matches/wars?!
a friend installed that server.should,showed him your article he said he did da same but getting errors
shd i post the screen here ?
m getting alot of errors in console what to do ?
can any 1 provide their steam id who are perfect with svr setup ? need some help
Do you know if it's possible to run several CS GO server on Server ( os ).
Should i run several install in several folders ?
the server is running on LAN, how can i change it?
How do you update you server?
Above here they explane a bit how to update, but infect, this is so un safe..
why login with your PLAIN user name and password?
This is so unsecure!
Who can help me.. I want a other method!
I made mine according to your instructions but when I try to join it says "you don't have this 3rd party mod installed" why is that?
Yeah, steam client doesn't have CS:GO in their client programs, so run the game from steam and use the internal server browser from with-in the game.
how do you stop maxplayers changing after update as ive put it in gamemodes_server.txt but it wont load the file as default
Are you sure you added the max slots to the correct gamemode in the gamemodes_server.txt?
Maybe try adding the following to the run line: -maxplayers_override 24
24 or whatever slots you want
ILocalize::AddFile() failed to load file "public/steambootstrapper_english.txt".
[ 0%] Checking for available update...
SteamUpdater: Error: Download failed: http error 0
[ 0%] Download Complete.
[----] Verifying installation...
[ 0%] Downloading Update...
[ 0%] Checking for available update...
SteamUpdater: Error: Download failed: http error 0
[ 0%] Download Complete.
SteamUpdater: Error: Steam needs to be online to update. Please confirm your ne
twork connection and try again.
[ 0%] !!! Fatal Error: Steam needs to be online to update. Please confirm your
network connection and try again.
Why? the server is down?my steam is online but doesent work
go to internet explorer under internet options > connections tab > lan settings box > and check automatically detect settings should be the only thing checked and also some peoples problems are they don't have the ports open in their router either. But the detect settings part made mine work i already had port open 27015. Now will someone please post the gamesmodes.txt defualt file that hasn't been edited. I did and killed my server for gungame.
i get the same problem! HELP!
How would I add a custom map? i added all of the files and added them to my map list/cycle like in CSS but i cant figure out the game type, it says it cant find the game type for the map
CS:GO Dedicated servers no longer use Mapcycle.txt. Go to "csgo" folder and find "gamemodes_server.txt example" Delete the "example" and inside of that file you can change mapcycle.