| General Servers: 27
We currently have 27 Main Servers Based in ( Germany, France, U.K &
USA ) running all of our game servers & a Web Server. Our current
Customer Servers are Hosted in France, Germany & North America
We a range of servers that we use to host our customers game servers,
Most of our servers are using 2x Intel Xeon Quad HT 3.9Ghz (8 Cores)
CPU's, have an average of 32GB DDR3 RAM, & mainly use a series
multiple 240GB SSD's to store our game server files on, We are also
connected via a Gigabit Connection on every server giving us the best
speeds / pings to our players. |
 | Left 4 Dead - Servers: 20+
We currently have over 20 Left 4 Dead Servers, Our best servers for
Left 4 Dead are in the top 500 out of the 20,000 Left 4 Dead Servers
there are.
 | Left 4 Dead 2 - Servers: 30+
We currently have over 30 Left 4 Dead 2 Servers, Our best servers for
Left 4 Dead 2 are in the top 1,000 out of the 35,000 Left 4 Dead 2
Servers there are.
 | Team Fortress 2 - Servers: 24+
We currently have 10 32 Slot TF2 Server, along with some MvM &
Event Servers, But we are looking at setting up a few more so we cover
most of the top maps and gamemodes.
 | Counter Strike GO - Servers: 4+
We currently have a few CS:GO Servers up, These are just for testing /
demo of us hosting CS:GO so people can play & see ping etc...
 | Counter Strike Source - Servers: 6+
We currently have a few CS:S Servers up, These are just for testing /
demo of us hosting CS:S so people can play & see ping etc...
 | Counter Strike 1.6 - Servers: 8+
We currently have a few CS1.6 Servers, this is what we mainly use for
testing / demo of what our servers can host e.g. the Non Steam AMX
Dproto Metamod server.
 | Counter Strike Condition Zero - Servers: 2
We currently have 2 CS CZ servers, this is what we mainly use for
testing / demo, just so people can test ping & how well the server
 | Garrys Mod - Servers: 2
We currently have 2 GMOD servers, this is what we mainly use for
testing / demo, just so people can test ping & how well the server
 | Day Of Defeat - Servers: 1
We currently have 1 DOD - Day of Defeat server, this is what we mainly
use for testing / demo, just so people can test ping & how well the
server runs.
 | Team Fortress Classic - Servers: 2
We currently have 2 TFC servers, this is what we mainly use for testing
/ demo, just so people can test ping & how well the server runs.
 | Minecraft - Servers: 2
We currently have 2 Minecraft Servers, 1 is a Survival Server running
on our own Server map that we have built over time. 2. Is a Creative
Server (Whitelisted) Players that can come and play creative mode with
freinds on a flat map.