zm_ilc_resident_evil2 Author: Ilchenko Sergey aka Cep}I{ ICQ: 355-681-293 e-mail: URL: Thanks: Ilchenko Pavel aka uHkBu3uToP 17thDay digg [RUS] S vidu - obychnyy osobnyak bogacha. No eto vsego lish' maska - na samom dele v podvalah etogo doma provodilis' opyty po vozdeystviyu novogo virusa na chelovecheskiy organizm... Opyt vyshel iz pod kontrolya, a vse okrestnosti byli zarajeny virusom, kotryy obraschal lyudey v mutantov. Priehavshaya gruppa specnaza, posle mnogochislennyh poter' v bitve s mutantami, byla vynujdena vyzvat' podkreplenie, do prihoda kotorogo oni doljny byli proderjat'sya v tom samom osobnyake... [ENG] At first look it seems to be a usual private residence of the rich man. But it is only a mask. Actually, in cellars of this house experiments on influence of new virus to human constitution were made... Control of experiment has been lost and all localities have been infected by virus, which turned people into mutants. The arrived group of special purpose has been forced to call reinforcement after heavy casualties in fight with mutants. They should hold out in that private residence during waiting support... (Press FIRE to continue)