/** * Do not edit this file. Any changes will be overwritten by the gamedata * updater or by upgrading your AMX Mod X install. * * To override data in this file, create a subdirectory named "custom" and * place your own gamedata file(s) inside of it. Such files will be parsed * after AMXX's own. * * For more information, see http://wiki.alliedmods.net/Gamedata_Updating_(AMX_Mod_X) */ "Games" { "#default" { "Classes" { "CHalfLifeMultiplay" { "Offsets" { "m_VoiceGameMgr" // class CVoiceGameMgr { "type" "class" "windows" "16" "linux" "12" "mac" "12" } "m_fTeamCount" // float { "type" "float" "windows" "48" "linux" "40" "mac" "40" } "m_flCheckWinConditions" // float { "type" "float" "windows" "52" "linux" "44" "mac" "44" } "m_fRoundCount" // float { "type" "float" "windows" "56" "linux" "48" "mac" "48" } "m_iRoundTime" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "60" "linux" "52" "mac" "52" } "m_iRoundTimeSecs" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "64" "linux" "56" "mac" "56" } "m_iIntroRoundTime" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "68" "linux" "60" "mac" "60" } "m_fIntroRoundCount" // float { "type" "float" "windows" "72" "linux" "64" "mac" "64" } "m_iAccountTerrorist" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "76" "linux" "68" "mac" "68" } "m_iAccountCT" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "80" "linux" "72" "mac" "72" } "m_iNumTerrorist" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "84" "linux" "76" "mac" "76" } "m_iNumCT" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "88" "linux" "80" "mac" "80" } "m_iNumSpawnableTerrorist" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "92" "linux" "84" "mac" "84" } "m_iNumSpawnableCT" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "96" "linux" "88" "mac" "88" } "m_iSpawnPointCount_Terrorist" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "100" "linux" "92" "mac" "92" } "m_iSpawnPointCount_CT" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "104" "linux" "96" "mac" "96" } "m_iHostagesRescued" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "108" "linux" "100" "mac" "100" } "m_iHostagesTouched" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "112" "linux" "104" "mac" "104" } "m_iRoundWinStatus" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "116" "linux" "108" "mac" "108" } "m_iNumCTWins" // short int { "type" "short" "windows" "120" "linux" "112" "mac" "112" } "m_iNumTerroristWins" // short int { "type" "short" "windows" "122" "linux" "114" "mac" "114" } "m_bTargetBombed" // bool { "type" "boolean" "windows" "124" "linux" "116" "mac" "116" } "m_bBombDefused" // bool { "type" "boolean" "windows" "125" "linux" "117" "mac" "117" } "m_bMapHasBombTarget" // bool { "type" "boolean" "windows" "126" "linux" "118" "mac" "118" } "m_bMapHasBombZone" // bool { "type" "boolean" "windows" "127" "linux" "119" "mac" "119" } "m_bMapHasBuyZone" // bool { "type" "boolean" "windows" "128" "linux" "120" "mac" "120" } "m_bMapHasRescueZone" // bool { "type" "boolean" "windows" "129" "linux" "121" "mac" "121" } "m_bMapHasEscapeZone" // bool { "type" "boolean" "windows" "130" "linux" "122" "mac" "122" } "m_iMapHasVIPSafetyZone" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "132" "linux" "124" "mac" "124" } "m_bMapHasCameras" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "136" "linux" "128" "mac" "128" } "m_iC4Timer" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "140" "linux" "132" "mac" "132" } "m_iC4Guy" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "144" "linux" "136" "mac" "136" } "m_iLoserBonus" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "148" "linux" "140" "mac" "140" } "m_iNumConsecutiveCTLoses" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "152" "linux" "144" "mac" "144" } "m_iNumConsecutiveTerroristLoses" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "156" "linux" "148" "mac" "148" } "m_fMaxIdlePeriod" // float { "type" "float" "windows" "160" "linux" "152" "mac" "152" } "m_iLimitTeams" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "164" "linux" "156" "mac" "156" } "m_bLevelInitialized" // bool { "type" "boolean" "windows" "168" "linux" "160" "mac" "160" } "m_bRoundTerminating" // bool { "type" "boolean" "windows" "169" "linux" "161" "mac" "161" } "m_bCompleteReset" // bool { "type" "boolean" "windows" "170" "linux" "162" "mac" "162" } "m_flRequiredEscapeRatio" // float { "type" "float" "windows" "172" "linux" "164" "mac" "164" } "m_iNumEscapers" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "176" "linux" "168" "mac" "168" } "m_iHaveEscaped" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "180" "linux" "172" "mac" "172" } "m_bCTCantBuy" // bool { "type" "boolean" "windows" "184" "linux" "176" "mac" "176" } "m_bTCantBuy" // bool { "type" "boolean" "windows" "185" "linux" "177" "mac" "177" } "m_flBombRadius" // float { "type" "float" "windows" "188" "linux" "180" "mac" "180" } "m_iConsecutiveVIP" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "192" "linux" "184" "mac" "184" } "m_iTotalGunCount" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "196" "linux" "188" "mac" "188" } "m_iTotalGrenadeCount" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "200" "linux" "192" "mac" "192" } "m_iTotalArmourCount" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "204" "linux" "196" "mac" "196" } "m_iUnBalancedRounds" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "208" "linux" "200" "mac" "200" } "m_iNumEscapeRounds" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "212" "linux" "204" "mac" "204" } "m_iMapVotes" // int[100] { "type" "integer" "size" "100" "windows" "216" "linux" "208" "mac" "208" } "m_iLastPick" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "616" "linux" "608" "mac" "608" } "m_iMaxMapTime" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "620" "linux" "612" "mac" "612" } "m_iMaxRounds" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "624" "linux" "616" "mac" "616" } "m_iTotalRoundsPlayed" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "628" "linux" "620" "mac" "620" } "m_iMaxRoundsWon" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "632" "linux" "624" "mac" "624" } "m_iStoredSpectValue" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "636" "linux" "628" "mac" "628" } "m_flForceCameraValue" // float { "type" "float" "windows" "640" "linux" "632" "mac" "632" } "m_flForceChaseCamValue" // float { "type" "float" "windows" "644" "linux" "636" "mac" "636" } "m_flFadeToBlackValue" // float { "type" "float" "windows" "648" "linux" "640" "mac" "640" } "m_pVIP" // CBasePlayer* { "type" "classptr" "windows" "652" "linux" "644" "mac" "644" } "VIPQueue" // CBasePlayer*[5] { "type" "classptr" "size" "5" "windows" "656" "linux" "648" "mac" "648" } "m_flIntermissionEndTime" // float { "type" "float" "windows" "676" "linux" "668" "mac" "668" } "m_flIntermissionStartTime" // float { "type" "float" "windows" "680" "linux" "672" "mac" "672" } "m_iEndIntermissionButtonHit" // BOOL { "type" "integer" "windows" "684" "linux" "676" "mac" "676" } "m_tmNextPeriodicThink" // float { "type" "float" "windows" "688" "linux" "680" "mac" "680" } "m_bFirstConnected" // bool { "type" "boolean" "windows" "692" "linux" "684" "mac" "684" } "m_bInCareerGame" // bool { "type" "boolean" "windows" "693" "linux" "685" "mac" "685" } "m_fCareerRoundMenuTime" // float { "type" "float" "windows" "696" "linux" "688" "mac" "688" } "m_iCareerMatchWins" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "700" "linux" "692" "mac" "692" } "m_iRoundWinDifference" // int { "type" "integer" "windows" "704" "linux" "696" "mac" "696" } "m_fCareerMatchMenuTime" // float { "type" "float" "windows" "708" "linux" "700" "mac" "700" } "m_bSkipSpawn" // bool { "type" "boolean" "windows" "712" "linux" "704" "mac" "704" } } } } } } /** * Class Hierarchy * - * CGameRules * CHalfLifeMultiplay */