// _________________________________________________________________________ // // ******************** * * * ultimate_chat.amxx * * * ********************* // uc_adminmode abcdefghij uc_playermode abe Ultimate Chat (Chat-All-In-One) by [ --<-@ ] Black Rose (Author & Creator) This is the Chat Plugin that finally ends all problems for Admins and players related to chats regarding Chat and Chat options in Counter-Strike 1.6. Other MODs might work, too. Ask [ --<-@ ] Black Rose for definitive answer. This Plugin has all the basic options that a chat plugin should have (but the other chat plugins unfortunately don't possess) and even more than you have ever thought of. No more running of two seprerate Chat plugins in order to have the options on your server that you want. uc_adminmode | Configures the Chat options for Admins. For example: uc_adminmode abcdefghij (? is default / admins see everything) uc_playermode | Configures the Chat options for Players. For example: uc_playermode abe (? is default / DEAD players see what the alive say) If you like anything else than the default values (look above) put those two cvars (uc_adminmode & uc_playermode) in your amx.cfg and choose from the following options: Options: a = The dead can see the general chat messages of alive teammates b = The dead can see the general chat messages of alive enemies c = The alive can see the general chat messages of dead teammates d = The alive can see the general chat messages of dead enemies e = The dead can see the team messages of alive teammates f = The alive can see the team messages of dead teamates g = The dead can see the team messages of dead enemies h = The alive can see the team messages of alive enemies i = The dead can see the team messages of alive enemies j = The alive can see the team messages of dead enemies This should become the default chat plugin, since it finally covers all aspects of chat use in the game. Now, for example you can join your server as an admin (to check your server) and see all chats (inclusive teammessages) while having players see all alive chats when they are dead or even more. This plugin has been extensively tested and should work like a charm. Please rate this thread, if you like it, so others can benefit of this great plugin as well and don't forget to give [ --<-@ ] Black Rose some nice +karma for his work. Should there be somehow an update, then the newest version can be found in this post, for convenience. Get the NEW Version from below: The new version has a couple of minor improvements and optimizations. Version 1.2