//*****************************************************************************************************// RateChecker CVARS: (addons/amxmodx/configs/RateChecker.cfg) cc_showinfo 1 //- Show info about client checker in client console cc_messagetype 2 //- Show message about invalid settings to: 0 = Nobody 1 = AMX Admins 2 = Checked Player + AMX Admins 3 = All players cc_ratecheck 1 //- Check client rates cc_maxinvalid 10 //- Maximum allowed invalid changes of settings from a client before they will be kicked cc_chkdelay 36 //- Delay between checks in seconds cc_minupdaterate 100 //- Minimum allowed cl_updaterate cc_mincmdrate 100 //- Minimum allowed cl_cmdrate cc_minrate 20000 //- Minimum allowed rate cc_maxcmdbackup 5 //- Maximum allowed backup commands //*****************************************************************************************************// Installation instructions: 1. Copy the new RateChecker.cfg to addons/amxmodx/configs/ 2. Copy RateChecker.sma to addons/amxmodx/scripting/ 3. Copy RateChecker.amxx to addons/amxmodx/plugins/ 4. Add RateChecker.amxx to addons/amxmodx/configs/plugins.ini //*****************************************************************************************************//