Commands: say buy_parachute - buys a parachute (CStrike ONLY) saw sell_parachute - sells your parachute (75% of the purchase price) say give_parachute - gives your parachute to the player amx_parachute - gives a player a free parachute (CStrike ONLY) amx_parachute @all - gives everyone a free parachute (CStrike ONLY) Cvars: sv_parachute "1" - 0: disables the plugin - 1: enables the plugin parachute_cost "1000" - cost of the parachute (CStrike ONLY) parachute_payback "75" - how many percent of the parachute cost you get when you sell your parachute (ie. (75/100) * 1000 = 750$) parachute_fallspeed "100" - speed of the fall when you use the parachute