Cvars: amx_log_type_data 3 // 0 - Logs disabled 1 - Logging only connect 2 - Logging only disconnect 3 - Logging both amx_log_connnect_type 1 // 0 - Logs dissabled 1 - Log when conneced to server 2 - Log when connecting to server amx_log_info_chat 1 // Information about connect will be shown in chat. 1 - on / 0 - off amx_log_chat_sound 1 // Playing sound on connect amx_log_data abcd // Saving information (in logs) amx_log_chat_data abcd // Showing information in chat a - Nickname b - IP c - SteamID d - Country amx_log_console 0 // Connects data will be shown in console amx_log_dubbing 0 // Data in log filles will not be repeating if this cvar on. amx_log_chat 3 // Chat logging 0 - Off 1 - Logging only say 2 - Logging only say_team 3 - Logging all amx_log_chat_dubbing 1 // Will not repeat equal messages in log files if on amx_log_delete_days 7 // Cvar deleting old log files. Specify what old they should be to delete (in days). amx_log_player_flag 0 // Specify the flag (from users.ini file) if you want, that only players with that flag will be logged (example - admins). amx_log_separate_by_flag 0 // If you turn on this flag plugin will log flagged players to one directory and other players to other (directories are in .sma file) amx_log_bots 0 // Enable/Disable bots logging.