--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :: Installing ::. Upload amx_ssban.amxx into mod_dir/addons/amxmodx/plugins (mod_dir = cstrike, czero, dod etc) Upload menufront.amxx into mod_dir/addons/amxmodx/plugins (mod_dir = cstrike, czero, dod etc) ONLY if you want amx ssban in amxmodxmenu Upload screen_message.txt into mod_dir/addons/amxmodx/data/lang Open plugins.ini from mod_dir/addons/amxmodx/configs Add after '; Custom - Add 3rd party plugins here' on a new line like follows: amx_ssban.amxx --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .:: Available CVAR's ::. amx_ssdelay "1.0" Delay between snapshots (Def.: "1.0") WARNING has to be .0 as is float amx_bandelay "10.0" Delay before ban is done (Def.: "10.0") WARNING has to be .0 as is float amx_ssnumber "3" Number of snapshots to take (Def.: "3") amx_website "" Unban request site (Def.: "www.yoursite.com") amx_msg_type "3" Info player/admin messages 1 - chat | 2- hud | 3- chat+hud (Def.: "3") --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .:: Admin Commands ::. amx_ss Make Snapshots on target ! amx_ssban [reason] if #define AMXBANS 0 bans will be done by AMXMODX (Default) and usage will be above one ! amx_ssban [reason] if #define AMXBANS 1 bans will by done by AMXBANS and the usage will be above one ! amx_ssmenu Pop up the snapshot menu - made by Fysiks amx_ssbanmenu Pop up the ban menu - made by Fysiks --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Official Website : https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=90318 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------